Are you getting enough magnesium in your diet?
“Dietary surveys of people in the United States consistently show that intakes of magnesium are lower than recommended amounts.” (NIH)*
Why does your body need magnesium? In short, it gives you energy, helps with bone structure, and “is important to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm.”* In other words, for your bones, muscles, brain, and heart.
Have you ever looked for the magnesium content on food labels to make sure you are ingesting the right amount? In most cases you won’t find it, because the FDA does not require listing it (unless the food is fortified).
Some hard-to-read labels may not be decipherable at all if one more ingredient is added to the list. By Googling “How much magnesium is in chocolate?” you’ll get an easy to read nutritional breakdown for that food. Insert the name of any food for the nutritional content in easy-to-read format.
Almonds, cashews, and peanuts contain some of the highest magnesium levels. Green leafy veggies, whole grains, beans, and other unprocessed foods also have significant amounts. Check out our blog for recipes that contain lots of healthy nutrients.